
Application Purpose

The purpose of the mapping program is to provide information for reshelving books. It does this by providing a map of the library, in addition to highlighted shelves that have books in need of being reshelved.

Developers can extend the given map for their own purposes if needed by modifying map.json with new data as described below.

Creating a new map

Map.tsx, in the src/components/ui directory reads from a file in the same directory called map.json for the creation of the map. The layout of the json in map.json is

   "left": Array<{"min: string, "max": string}>
   "right": Array<{"min": string, "max": string}>

The outer Array is the entire list of rows in the library. The “left” and “right” object are for the left and right sides respectively of the row. The next-inner-most array is the list of shelves contained in a row, which each have minimum and maximum library codes.

The strings should be library codes should be in a form such as QA1, in a way that is readable for our ordering scheme.

To use this new map, overwrite the contents of map.json with the above JSON.

Modifying minor aspects

To change the colors of the books, modify the constants NO_BOOKS_COLOR and HAS_BOOKS_COLOR. You can also modify the width between the shelves, and certain other aspects of the map using the global constants at the top of the file.

Modifying the code

If the map produced looks incorrect in some way, such as being too long for the screen, you may need to use or write your own functions. The idea of the code at the time of writing is to be extremely modular and mutation-free so that the code will be not as complicated as it could be to understand.

The most important thing to understand about the code is the type structure. All of the interfaces are at the top of the file, and explain in detail what everything looks like.

React components

  • Shelf: Shelves are building block of rows, and need information, such as the color of each of their sides, their x,y coordinates, and the range of books they contain.

  • Row: Rows contain lists of shelves that will be rendered with the first element shelf at the top.