For Developers

Installation: Development Environment

The development environment and setup for each component is described in reasonable detail in the relevant repository’s README file. The documentation is reproduced below:

General: Cloning and Setting Up the Node.js Environment

Both the Frontend and Backend utilize Node.js as a platform, the latter also using React as its primary framework. The process for cloning the repository and installing Node dependencies is the same between both components:

Cloning the Project:

To contribute to the project, it is expected that you first create a fork of the relevant repository, clone that repository, perform your work, and use the Pull Request mechanism to contribute to the main repository. Github has easy-to-follow documentation on this process available here:.

Installing Node dependencies

To run the project component(s) locally on your machine, you must first install the NPM packages upon which the component(s) depend. This must be done for each component which has its own repository. First, ensure that Node and NPM are installed (it is recommended using NVM, the Node Version Manager). Then, run npm install in the root of the repository’s directory. This will install the packages recorded in package.json as dependencies.

To run the project locally, enter npm start.



The Frontend utilizes React as its main framework, and as such must be built before deployment. This build may be performed by running npm build in the project’s root directory. This will produce a /build directory from which Netlify deploys. This directory contains the transpiled JavaScript, HTML, and CSS which is created from the main project code.


The Backend uses Express.js as its main framework, and unlike the Frontend, does not need to be “compiled” in the same sense before deployment. However, the main “App” component is written in TypeScript, which does need to be compiled before deployment. This process is completed automatically when the npm start script is evoked,a process which is also completed by Heroku when the project is deployed.



Once testing is implemented later in the semester, a script will be defined which can then be invoked with npm test.


The testing script for the backend is defined in the package.json file as being invoked by npm test. This runs the test file defined at /test/test.js. This file uses the Mocha testing library to test the backend’s routes and return values. This script is run each time a pull request is merged into the main repository.

The Backend’s API is tested using a set of Postman tests.